
Children are admitted to the school in the academic year in which they turn 5.

Due to legislation across the county, the LA (Local authority) has operated a co-ordinated admissions scheme since 2006. Any parents who apply for a place at the school must apply to the local authority and the school.

The Governing Body is the admitting authority for this school.  Parents seeking a place at the school should complete and return our school application form (see below) and also apply online to your local education authority.

The Headteacher, Mr Wright, is always happy to show prospective parents around the school and answer questions regarding admission.  Please contact the office to arrange an appointment.

Applications for the following year should be returned to the school by 15th January for admission in the following year.

The Local Authority will co-ordinate allocation of places for children admitted to school in the Autumn Term.

A parent has the right of appeal if admission has been refused. Appeals against refusal of admission are organised by the Diocese.

  1.  Appeals should be sent to Diocesan Director of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ or emailed to
  2.  The appeal must be in writing on the relevant form which can be obtained from Diocesan Board of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ. 01162615200 or from the website above.
  3. Appeals must be made by 30th April in writing on the relevant form, and appeals will be heard during the summer term, within 40 schools days of this date. Appeals lodged after this deadline, like appeals for in-year admissions, will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. In all cases, appellants will receive at least 10 days’ written notice of the appeal hearing. They may submit additional evidence in writing by 12 noon the day before the hearing. Decision letters are sent to the school, DLAT  and appellant within 5 days of the hearing.

Click here for the Leicestershire County Council Website

Click here for a copy of our Admissions Policy 2023-2025

Click here for Admission Application to Governors 2022


Children are admitted to the school in the academic year in which they turn 5.

Due to legislation across the county, the LA (Local authority) has operated a co-ordinated admissions scheme since 2006. Any parents who apply for a place at the school must apply to the local authority and the school.

The Governing Body is the admitting authority for this school.  Parents seeking a place at the school should complete and return our school application form (see below) and also apply online to your local education authority.

The Headteacher, Mr Wright, is always happy to show prospective parents around the school and answer questions regarding admission.  Please contact the office to arrange an appointment.

Applications for the following year should be returned to the school by 15th January for admission in the following year.

The Local Authority will co-ordinate allocation of places for children admitted to school in the Autumn Term.

A parent has the right of appeal if admission has been refused. Appeals against refusal of admission are organised by the Diocese.

  1.  Appeals should be sent to Diocesan Director of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ or emailed to
  2.  The appeal must be in writing on the relevant form which can be obtained from Diocesan Board of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ. 01162615200 or from the website above.
  3. Appeals must be made by 30th April in writing on the relevant form, and appeals will be heard during the summer term, within 40 schools days of this date. Appeals lodged after this deadline, like appeals for in-year admissions, will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. In all cases, appellants will receive at least 10 days’ written notice of the appeal hearing. They may submit additional evidence in writing by 12 noon the day before the hearing. Decision letters are sent to the school, DLAT  and appellant within 5 days of the hearing.

Click here for the Leicestershire County Council Website

Click here for a copy of our Admissions Policy 2023-2025

Click here for Admission Application to Governors 2022


Children are admitted to the school in the academic year in which they turn 5.

Due to legislation across the county, the LA (Local authority) has operated a co-ordinated admissions scheme since 2006. Any parents who apply for a place at the school must apply to the local authority and the school.

The Governing Body is the admitting authority for this school.  Parents seeking a place at the school should complete and return our school application form (see below) and also apply online to your local education authority.

The Headteacher, Mr Wright, is always happy to show prospective parents around the school and answer questions regarding admission.  Please contact the office to arrange an appointment.

Applications for the following year should be returned to the school by 15th January for admission in the following year.

The Local Authority will co-ordinate allocation of places for children admitted to school in the Autumn Term.

A parent has the right of appeal if admission has been refused. Appeals against refusal of admission are organised by the Diocese.

  1.  Appeals should be sent to Diocesan Director of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ or emailed to
  2.  The appeal must be in writing on the relevant form which can be obtained from Diocesan Board of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ. 01162615200 or from the website above.
  3. Appeals must be made by 30th April in writing on the relevant form, and appeals will be heard during the summer term, within 40 schools days of this date. Appeals lodged after this deadline, like appeals for in-year admissions, will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. In all cases, appellants will receive at least 10 days’ written notice of the appeal hearing. They may submit additional evidence in writing by 12 noon the day before the hearing. Decision letters are sent to the school, DLAT  and appellant within 5 days of the hearing.

Click here for the Leicestershire County Council Website

Click here for a copy of our Admissions Policy 2023-2025

Click here for Admission Application to Governors 2022