Sir John Moore C.E. (A) Primary School

Delivering, Reverence, Service and Compassion with SJM S*P*A*R*K*L*E



There are 10 Governors in total - some are made by the Church - including an ex-officio role for the local church incumbent, 2 are staff, including the Head teacher, 1 is a Parent-Governors, 1 represents the Sir John Moore Foundation, 1 is Local Authority nominated.  We also have the ability to appoint associate members (non-voting) in an advisory capacity. The current Governing Body is as follows:


Mark Haggan - Foundation - Chair of Governors 

Liz Seymour - Foundation - Vice Chair of Govern

Chris Wood - Foundation

Mark Eydman - Foundation

David Williams - Foundation

Charlotte Lynch - Foundation

Daniel Wright - Head teacher

Steve Wilkinson - Staff

Reverend Rick Tett – Ex Officio & Foundation

Mitchell Darby –  Parent Governor

Lynne Blunt - LA Governor

Vacancies - SJM Foundation Governor & Parent Governor

Julie Gillies - Clerk to Governors

In the absence of a Chair and Vice Chair, please send any communication to our Clerk, Julie Gillies 



The role of a school governor is to contribute to the work of the governing board in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by:

  • setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The role of the school governor can be demanding, but very rewarding. You should expect to spend between 10 and 20 days a year on your governing responsibilities; the top end of this commitment equates to about half a day per week in term time. Activities include:

  • Undertaking training in the role. All Leicestershire City Council nominated governors are required to undertake induction training.
  • Attending meetings of the governing body of your school, usually outside of school hours.
  • Reading reports and papers and keeping up to date on the progress that the school is making.
  • Visiting the school from time to time during the school day.

All governors must have:

  • a strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children
  • the inquisitiveness to question and analyse;
  • the willingness to learn;
  • good inter-personal skills;
  • appropriate levels of literacy in English (unless a governing body is prepared to make special arrangements);
  • sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data.





Click here 2023-2024 Governor Attendance at meetings

Click here for SJM financial benchmarking