The Governining Body
There are 9 Governors in total - some are made by the Church - including an ex-officio role for the local church incumbent, 2 are staff, including the Head teacher, 1 is a Parent-Governors, 1 represents the Sir John Moore Foundation, 1 is Local Authority nominated. We also have the ability to appoint associate members (non-voting) in an advisory capacity. The current Governing Body is as follows:
Mark Haggan - Foundation - Chair of Governors
Liz Seymour - Foundation - Vice Chair of Governors - Menta Health & Wellbeing Governor
Chris Wood - Foundation
Mark Eydman - Foundation
David Williams - Foundation
Daniel Wright - Head teacher
Steve Wilkinson - Staff
Reverend Rick Tett – Ex Officio & Foundation
Mitchell Darby – Parent Governor - Safeguarding Governor
Vacancies - SJM Foundation Governor & LA Governor
Julie Gillies - Clerk to Governors
In the absence of a Chair and Vice Chair, please send any communication to our Clerk, Julie Gillies
The Role of the Governining Body
The role of a school governor is to contribute to the work of the governing board in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by:
The role of the school governor can be demanding, but very rewarding. You should expect to spend between 10 and 20 days a year on your governing responsibilities; the top end of this commitment equates to about half a day per week in term time. Activities include:
All governors must have:
Click here 2023-2024 Governor Attendance at meetings
Click here for SJM financial benchmarking