British Values Statement


British Values at Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

The Department for Education (DfE) requires all schools to “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation…to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to fostering these British Values through our curriculum, assemblies, and regular classroom discussions. Each half-term, we hold Values Assemblies led by Mr. Wright, focusing on British Values and following up with discussion and circle time in class.

At Sir John Moore C.E., we value the process of democracy and aim to nurture a strong pupil voice. Every year, pupils hold elections to choose their class representative for the School Council, who brings their views to discussions and decisions that shape our school community. The School Council plays an active role in organising and supporting fundraising initiatives, and they also manage a portion of the school budget to support improvements chosen by the pupils themselves. This participative approach ensures that pupils’ opinions are respected and incorporated into our school life.

The Rule of Law
The importance of laws—those governing our school, our community, and our country—is reinforced daily through classroom routines, assemblies, and school events. Pupils actively participate in establishing classroom rules, fostering ownership and understanding of the value of rules and the role they play in ensuring safety and fairness. Regular visits from the Police and Fire Service support this learning, helping pupils appreciate the protective role of laws and the responsibilities and consequences that come with them.

Individual Liberty
Our pupils are encouraged to make choices within a safe and supportive environment. Sir John Moore C.E. provides opportunities for children to make positive choices, exercising their rights and understanding personal responsibility. This is reinforced through our PSHE and E-Safety curriculum, where pupils learn to exercise their freedoms thoughtfully and with consideration for others.

Mutual Respect
Respect is at the heart of our school community. We believe that each person’s actions affect the rights of others, and all members of our school community are encouraged to treat one another with respect. This principle is embedded in our behaviour policy and is consistently reinforced through positive reinforcement, helping pupils understand the importance of empathy, kindness, and responsible behaviour.

Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
As a Church of England school, Sir John Moore C.E. reflects and promotes values that are broadly Christian in nature. Our RE curriculum, alongside assemblies and visits to local places of worship, encourages pupils to appreciate and respect diverse faiths and beliefs. Through our learning and worship, we explore similarities and differences between different religions and cultures, celebrating the richness of diversity. Assemblies often incorporate stories and celebrations from a range of cultures, helping pupils develop respect and understanding. Members of different faiths are also encouraged to share their traditions to broaden pupils’ perspectives on diversity within our school and society.

Given our school’s local context, which has limited ethnic and religious diversity, we make a dedicated effort to expose pupils to a broader understanding of the world. This includes planned visits to places of worship beyond our community, supported by funding from the governing body to enhance learning about the diverse cultural landscape of modern Britain.

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to actively challenging any expression of opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including all forms of extremism. Our staff are trained in the responsibilities under the Prevent Duty, and any concerns are reported to senior staff to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Parent support information on extremism and radicalisation click here 

Parents support information on the Prevent strategy click here


Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Statement for Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, welcoming environment where everyone is valued and respected. Grounded in our Christian ethos and our vision of "Climbing to New Heights Together," we celebrate the uniqueness of every individual, striving to ensure that each pupil, staff member, and family feels a strong sense of belonging and support.

Our approach to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is woven into the fabric of our school community and curriculum. We actively promote respect, understanding, and empathy through our Christian values of Compassion, Service, and Character and through our commitment to developing the character strengths of Growth Mindset, Resilience, Independence, and Teamwork (GRIT). These principles help us create a culture where differences are celebrated, and where everyone can learn, grow, and achieve their fullest potential.

In partnership with our pupils, staff, families, and the wider community, we are dedicated to fostering a learning environment that is free from discrimination and prejudice, providing equitable opportunities, and encouraging positive engagement with the diverse world around us.

British Values Statement


British Values at Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

The Department for Education (DfE) requires all schools to “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation…to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to fostering these British Values through our curriculum, assemblies, and regular classroom discussions. Each half-term, we hold Values Assemblies led by Mr. Wright, focusing on British Values and following up with discussion and circle time in class.

At Sir John Moore C.E., we value the process of democracy and aim to nurture a strong pupil voice. Every year, pupils hold elections to choose their class representative for the School Council, who brings their views to discussions and decisions that shape our school community. The School Council plays an active role in organising and supporting fundraising initiatives, and they also manage a portion of the school budget to support improvements chosen by the pupils themselves. This participative approach ensures that pupils’ opinions are respected and incorporated into our school life.

The Rule of Law
The importance of laws—those governing our school, our community, and our country—is reinforced daily through classroom routines, assemblies, and school events. Pupils actively participate in establishing classroom rules, fostering ownership and understanding of the value of rules and the role they play in ensuring safety and fairness. Regular visits from the Police and Fire Service support this learning, helping pupils appreciate the protective role of laws and the responsibilities and consequences that come with them.

Individual Liberty
Our pupils are encouraged to make choices within a safe and supportive environment. Sir John Moore C.E. provides opportunities for children to make positive choices, exercising their rights and understanding personal responsibility. This is reinforced through our PSHE and E-Safety curriculum, where pupils learn to exercise their freedoms thoughtfully and with consideration for others.

Mutual Respect
Respect is at the heart of our school community. We believe that each person’s actions affect the rights of others, and all members of our school community are encouraged to treat one another with respect. This principle is embedded in our behaviour policy and is consistently reinforced through positive reinforcement, helping pupils understand the importance of empathy, kindness, and responsible behaviour.

Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
As a Church of England school, Sir John Moore C.E. reflects and promotes values that are broadly Christian in nature. Our RE curriculum, alongside assemblies and visits to local places of worship, encourages pupils to appreciate and respect diverse faiths and beliefs. Through our learning and worship, we explore similarities and differences between different religions and cultures, celebrating the richness of diversity. Assemblies often incorporate stories and celebrations from a range of cultures, helping pupils develop respect and understanding. Members of different faiths are also encouraged to share their traditions to broaden pupils’ perspectives on diversity within our school and society.

Given our school’s local context, which has limited ethnic and religious diversity, we make a dedicated effort to expose pupils to a broader understanding of the world. This includes planned visits to places of worship beyond our community, supported by funding from the governing body to enhance learning about the diverse cultural landscape of modern Britain.

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to actively challenging any expression of opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including all forms of extremism. Our staff are trained in the responsibilities under the Prevent Duty, and any concerns are reported to senior staff to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Parent support information on extremism and radicalisation click here 

Parents support information on the Prevent strategy click here


Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Statement for Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, welcoming environment where everyone is valued and respected. Grounded in our Christian ethos and our vision of "Climbing to New Heights Together," we celebrate the uniqueness of every individual, striving to ensure that each pupil, staff member, and family feels a strong sense of belonging and support.

Our approach to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is woven into the fabric of our school community and curriculum. We actively promote respect, understanding, and empathy through our Christian values of Compassion, Service, and Character and through our commitment to developing the character strengths of Growth Mindset, Resilience, Independence, and Teamwork (GRIT). These principles help us create a culture where differences are celebrated, and where everyone can learn, grow, and achieve their fullest potential.

In partnership with our pupils, staff, families, and the wider community, we are dedicated to fostering a learning environment that is free from discrimination and prejudice, providing equitable opportunities, and encouraging positive engagement with the diverse world around us.

British Values Statement


British Values at Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

The Department for Education (DfE) requires all schools to “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation…to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to fostering these British Values through our curriculum, assemblies, and regular classroom discussions. Each half-term, we hold Values Assemblies led by Mr. Wright, focusing on British Values and following up with discussion and circle time in class.

At Sir John Moore C.E., we value the process of democracy and aim to nurture a strong pupil voice. Every year, pupils hold elections to choose their class representative for the School Council, who brings their views to discussions and decisions that shape our school community. The School Council plays an active role in organising and supporting fundraising initiatives, and they also manage a portion of the school budget to support improvements chosen by the pupils themselves. This participative approach ensures that pupils’ opinions are respected and incorporated into our school life.

The Rule of Law
The importance of laws—those governing our school, our community, and our country—is reinforced daily through classroom routines, assemblies, and school events. Pupils actively participate in establishing classroom rules, fostering ownership and understanding of the value of rules and the role they play in ensuring safety and fairness. Regular visits from the Police and Fire Service support this learning, helping pupils appreciate the protective role of laws and the responsibilities and consequences that come with them.

Individual Liberty
Our pupils are encouraged to make choices within a safe and supportive environment. Sir John Moore C.E. provides opportunities for children to make positive choices, exercising their rights and understanding personal responsibility. This is reinforced through our PSHE and E-Safety curriculum, where pupils learn to exercise their freedoms thoughtfully and with consideration for others.

Mutual Respect
Respect is at the heart of our school community. We believe that each person’s actions affect the rights of others, and all members of our school community are encouraged to treat one another with respect. This principle is embedded in our behaviour policy and is consistently reinforced through positive reinforcement, helping pupils understand the importance of empathy, kindness, and responsible behaviour.

Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
As a Church of England school, Sir John Moore C.E. reflects and promotes values that are broadly Christian in nature. Our RE curriculum, alongside assemblies and visits to local places of worship, encourages pupils to appreciate and respect diverse faiths and beliefs. Through our learning and worship, we explore similarities and differences between different religions and cultures, celebrating the richness of diversity. Assemblies often incorporate stories and celebrations from a range of cultures, helping pupils develop respect and understanding. Members of different faiths are also encouraged to share their traditions to broaden pupils’ perspectives on diversity within our school and society.

Given our school’s local context, which has limited ethnic and religious diversity, we make a dedicated effort to expose pupils to a broader understanding of the world. This includes planned visits to places of worship beyond our community, supported by funding from the governing body to enhance learning about the diverse cultural landscape of modern Britain.

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to actively challenging any expression of opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including all forms of extremism. Our staff are trained in the responsibilities under the Prevent Duty, and any concerns are reported to senior staff to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Parent support information on extremism and radicalisation click here 

Parents support information on the Prevent strategy click here


Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Statement for Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

At Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, welcoming environment where everyone is valued and respected. Grounded in our Christian ethos and our vision of "Climbing to New Heights Together," we celebrate the uniqueness of every individual, striving to ensure that each pupil, staff member, and family feels a strong sense of belonging and support.

Our approach to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is woven into the fabric of our school community and curriculum. We actively promote respect, understanding, and empathy through our Christian values of Compassion, Service, and Character and through our commitment to developing the character strengths of Growth Mindset, Resilience, Independence, and Teamwork (GRIT). These principles help us create a culture where differences are celebrated, and where everyone can learn, grow, and achieve their fullest potential.

In partnership with our pupils, staff, families, and the wider community, we are dedicated to fostering a learning environment that is free from discrimination and prejudice, providing equitable opportunities, and encouraging positive engagement with the diverse world around us.