SEND & Equality


Welcome to the SEND information page of our website.

Here, you will find information about the provision we offer to children who are diagnosed with, or who may have Special Educational Needs, Additional Needs or a disability.

All staff at Sir John Moore Primary School are committed to providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced and inclusive. Our aim is to provide children with opportunities to achieve in all areas, both academically and personally. We are committed to providing children with the skills they need to live fulfilled lives as adults in our community.

Staff believe that by working together (staff, parents, pupils and other professionals), many barriers can be overcome.

Our SENDCO is Mr Steve Wilkinson (Deputy Headteacher)


Adapting Learning for SEND Pupils at Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School

At Sir John Moore, we are committed to providing an inclusive education that ensures every child, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), has access to high-quality learning experiences. Inspired by the principles outlined in Ben Newmark's blog, "Curriculum, Explicit Instruction, Intelligent Assessment, Leadership, and History" (January 31, 2024), we focus on fostering an inclusive classroom environment where all pupils can thrive.

Our Approach to Adapting Learning for SEND

  1. Inclusive Classrooms as the Foundation

    • Inclusion at Sir John Moore is not an add-on but an integral part of good teaching. We create calm, clear, and orderly classrooms where all pupils benefit from consistent routines, high expectations, and clear instruction.
    • Inclusive practices are embedded into everyday teaching rather than relying solely on bespoke strategies for individual pupils, ensuring that adaptations support everyone.
  2. Core Principles of Teaching for All

    • Following the insight that “the way children learn is more similar than different,” we emphasise core teaching practices, such as breaking tasks into manageable steps, using clear modelling, and checking for understanding, as foundational to supporting SEND pupils.
    • These strategies ensure that all children, including those with SEND, can access the curriculum effectively.
  3. Adapting Without Compromising Core Classroom Conditions

    • While individual adaptations are necessary, they are implemented within the structure of a well-managed classroom to avoid confusion and maintain focus for all learners.
    • For example, visual aids, simplified instructions, or additional scaffolding are used without disrupting the learning environment for the entire class.
  4. Supporting Equity Through Intelligent Adaptations

    • We recognise that equity often requires making assertive decisions in favour of pupils who find learning most challenging. For instance, a pupil with processing difficulties might receive pre-teaching or extended time to complete tasks.
    • By targeting additional support to those who need it most, we ensure that these pupils are not left behind, even if this requires adjustments to the pace or structure of lessons.
  5. Practical Strategies for SEND

    • Consistent Routines: Predictable routines help pupils with SEND feel secure and understand expectations.
    • Clear Modelling: Teachers demonstrate tasks step by step, using visual or verbal cues to reinforce learning.
    • Scaffolding and Gradual Release: Tasks are broken down into smaller steps, with support gradually reduced as pupils gain confidence and independence.
    • Regular Feedback: Immediate, constructive feedback helps SEND pupils understand what they have done well and where they can improve.
    • Targeted Questioning: Teachers ask questions tailored to individual pupils’ needs to ensure they are included in classroom discussions.
  6. Intelligent Assessment and Progress Tracking

    • Assessment is used to identify what pupils know and what they need next, rather than focusing solely on gaps.
    • Small steps of progress are celebrated, recognising that every achievement contributes to building confidence and competence.
  7. Collaborative Partnerships

    • Teachers work closely with SENDCo, TAs, and external professionals to implement effective strategies and review progress regularly.
    • Parents and carers are partners in the process, ensuring that adaptations align with each child’s unique needs and home environment.

Our Vision for SEND Inclusion

At Sir John Moore, we believe that inclusive classrooms are first and foremost good classrooms. By focusing on high-quality teaching, structured routines, and intelligent adaptations, we ensure that all pupils—regardless of their starting points—are given the opportunity to succeed. Our approach is grounded in equity, empathy, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Together, we are "Climbing to New Heights," ensuring every child can thrive in a supportive and inclusive learning environment.


Click here for the SEND Policy

Click here for SJM SEND Local Offer (Click to see Leicestershire's Local Offer)

Click here for Accessibility Plan