
To ensure that learning is adapted to meet the needs of all pupils in our mixed-age classes, we implement evidence-based practices guided by the Department for Education (DfE), the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), and Ofsted's framework for high-quality curriculum design. The DfE’s National Curriculum states that schools must ensure content is “accessible to all pupils,” providing appropriate challenge and support to meet developmental needs (DfE, 2014).

Reflecting this principle, we scaffold learning by emphasising foundational knowledge and skills for younger pupils, using visual aids, structured activities, and practical tasks to engage them in geographical enquiry. For older pupils, we extend learning by incorporating higher-order thinking tasks, such as data analysis, independent investigations, and comparative studies, ensuring their prior knowledge is deepened.

The EEF’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit highlights the importance of scaffolding as this is vital to ensure all pupils make progress, particularly within mixed-age classes (EEF, 2021). For example, we differentiate and adapt tasks to match pupil readiness: younger pupils work with concrete resources such as maps or diagrams, while older pupils tackle abstract and analytical tasks. This ensures all pupils access the same themes while engaging at an appropriate level of complexity. Additionally, Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework emphasises the importance of a curriculum that is “ambitious, well-sequenced, and builds knowledge incrementally” (Ofsted, 2023).

In line with this, our curriculum is structured to enable pupils to progress from foundational to advanced concepts, ensuring key ideas are revisited and built upon. Our approach is carefully sequenced across cycles and year groups to create a coherent progression.

For mixed-age classes, geography units are organised into three levels of increasing difficulty across each academic year:

•    Level 1

•    Level 2

•    Level 3

For example, in Cycle B, pupils begin with knowledge of the UK (Level 1), progress to studying Campania in Italy (Level 2), and then move to Brazil (Level 3). This ensures pupils develop a strong understanding of increasingly complex geographical concepts while making clear links between each unit of study.

We also allocate time for revisiting and consolidating learning from previous year groups and cycles, strengthening retention and deepening understanding. This evidence-led, adaptive approach ensures that all pupils engage meaningfully with the curriculum, achieve progression, and develop mastery, regardless of their starting points. By tailoring the curriculum to align with national guidance and research, we foster inclusivity and maintain high expectations for every pupil.


You can download our geography progression document from the Files panel below:








Geography Skills Progression Mixed Age SJM.pdf .pdf