
Maths: White Rose & NCTM Support

Our mathematics curriculum draws from the White Rose scheme, introduced in the 2022-2023 academic year, to ensure a mastery approach that builds deep understanding and confidence in mathematical concepts. This is enhanced with resources from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), supporting both students and teachers. This structured and progressive curriculum is designed to help pupils develop problem-solving skills and achieve high standards. Our mathematics curriculum is cumulatively sequenced, meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum and the needs of mixed-age classes.



Teachers use formative assessment to identify and close gaps. Standardised NTS maths tests are also used for summative assessment, measuring pupils’ progress and attainment against national averages and enabling teachers to identify pupils’ next steps.


Concrete, pictorial and abstract representations in maths

Pupils at Sir John Moore make use of concrete, physical manipulatives when introduced to mathematical concepts for the first time. Pictorial representations, such as bar models, are also used to scaffold understanding. When children are introduced to a new concept, working with concrete physical resources and pictorial representations leads to a better understanding of abstract concepts. Teachers use formative assessment to identify when it is appropriate to scaffold pupils’ engagement with the abstract through using the pictorial or concrete at any stage of their mathematical learning.


Mastering Number in Reception and Key Stage 1

Teachers and pupils at Sir John Moore have engaged with the NCETM’s Mastering Number programme. This programme ensures pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1:

·       develop and demonstrate good number sense

·       build firm mathematical foundations

·       develop fluency in calculation

·       use appropriate manipulatives to support their mathematical understanding


Collaboration with the NCETM Maths Hub has supported professional development of teachers at Sir John Moore.