Friends of Sir John Moore School (FoSJM)


 Who? What? Where? Why?

We are a group of dedicated dads and motivated mums who work together to give what support we can to the super staff and wonderful children of SJM school.

We organise events that are now traditions in SJM - like the Christmas and Summer Fayres - and activities that help raise funds for all sorts of projects and goodies  -  from books, BeeBots and iPads, to playground equipment, child-friendly fencing and contributions to new buildings.

We have great help from "pop-up" parents who help out at particular events, and the support from the extended SJM family is phenomenal.

There are LOTS of ways to be involved with FoSJM.
All offers of help or involvement, no matter how small, are really appreciated.  Everyone is welcome to join in and contribute in whatever way they feel they can.


Click here for Friends of Sir John Moore Facebook page.


If you would like to help please contact the school office

Friends of Sir John Moore School (FoSJM)


 Who? What? Where? Why?

We are a group of dedicated dads and motivated mums who work together to give what support we can to the super staff and wonderful children of SJM school.

We organise events that are now traditions in SJM - like the Christmas and Summer Fayres - and activities that help raise funds for all sorts of projects and goodies  -  from books, BeeBots and iPads, to playground equipment, child-friendly fencing and contributions to new buildings.

We have great help from "pop-up" parents who help out at particular events, and the support from the extended SJM family is phenomenal.

There are LOTS of ways to be involved with FoSJM.
All offers of help or involvement, no matter how small, are really appreciated.  Everyone is welcome to join in and contribute in whatever way they feel they can.


Click here for Friends of Sir John Moore Facebook page.


If you would like to help please contact the school office