Parent Guide to the Pupil Premium

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they may also qualify for additional funding called Pupil Premium, which is paid directly to Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School to support their learning.

What is the Pupil Premium?

Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium is funding provided by the Government to help improve the educational outcomes of disadvantaged children. Research shows that children from low-income families often face barriers such as limited language and communication skills, reduced family support, lack of confidence, and issues with attendance and punctuality.

This funding is designed to address these challenges and narrow the achievement gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Is Your Child Eligible?

Schools receive Pupil Premium funding for:

  • Children eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years (known as Ever 6). For children in Reception to Year 6, the school receives £1,320 per eligible pupil.
  • Children in local authority care (Looked After Children) or previously looked after. These children are awarded a premium of £2,410 per year.
  • Children of service personnel (Service Pupil Premium). Parents in the Forces or Services must notify schools of their children’s eligibility. The premium is currently £320 per child.

Your child may qualify for free school meals—and by extension Pupil Premium—if you receive any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual gross income is £16,190 or less)
  • Universal Credit

Ever 6

Children who qualify for free school meals remain eligible for Pupil Premium for six years, even if their family circumstances change. This is referred to as Ever 6.

How is it Spent?

Schools decide how to spend Pupil Premium funds, as they are best placed to determine the most effective ways to support eligible pupils. This funding may be used for:

  • One-to-one or small group teaching interventions
  • Additional learning resources such as books or technology
  • Supporting Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) needs
  • Subsidising school trips or extracurricular activities

Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School provides an annual strategy document on our website outlining how the funding is allocated, how last year’s funding was spent, and the impact it has had on pupils’ learning.

Reporting Spending

Schools are required to demonstrate that they are using the Pupil Premium effectively. This is reviewed through Ofsted inspections and by publishing key information online, including:

  • The amount of Pupil Premium funding allocated to the school
  • A breakdown of how the funding will be spent
  • Details of how last year’s funding was used and the difference it made

How to Claim Pupil Premium for Your Child

All children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals regardless of income. However, if you meet the income-based criteria above, it is important to register your child for free school meals. This allows the school to claim the additional Pupil Premium funding to support your child.

If you think your child qualifies, please contact the school office for assistance with the application process. Even if your child prefers packed lunches, registering ensures the school receives the funding to benefit their education.



PE and Sports Premium

At Sir John Moore we believe that PE, Sport and Health education plays a vital role in the development of all children. As a result, we strive to provide a wide and balanced curriculum with PE, Sport and Health Education running through it.

PE and School Sport at Sir John Moore has retained its core values of participation, volunteering and
enjoyment, we are now in the second stage of rebuilding a wide and varied PE, Sport and Health
education offer following the COVID Curtailments.

This year we know through whole school monitoring that children will need to develop the skills of
Teamwork and Personal Challenge. We will aim to address this via using REAL PE within class, clear
links to GRIT skills within PE and also regular opportunities to practice/ develop teamwork at
playtime and the wider curriculum.

Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and
potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to
the realisation of dreams and aspiration. 

Click here to see planned PE expenditure

Parent Guide to the Pupil Premium

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they may also qualify for additional funding called Pupil Premium, which is paid directly to Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School to support their learning.

What is the Pupil Premium?

Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium is funding provided by the Government to help improve the educational outcomes of disadvantaged children. Research shows that children from low-income families often face barriers such as limited language and communication skills, reduced family support, lack of confidence, and issues with attendance and punctuality.

This funding is designed to address these challenges and narrow the achievement gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Is Your Child Eligible?

Schools receive Pupil Premium funding for:

  • Children eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years (known as Ever 6). For children in Reception to Year 6, the school receives £1,320 per eligible pupil.
  • Children in local authority care (Looked After Children) or previously looked after. These children are awarded a premium of £2,410 per year.
  • Children of service personnel (Service Pupil Premium). Parents in the Forces or Services must notify schools of their children’s eligibility. The premium is currently £320 per child.

Your child may qualify for free school meals—and by extension Pupil Premium—if you receive any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual gross income is £16,190 or less)
  • Universal Credit

Ever 6

Children who qualify for free school meals remain eligible for Pupil Premium for six years, even if their family circumstances change. This is referred to as Ever 6.

How is it Spent?

Schools decide how to spend Pupil Premium funds, as they are best placed to determine the most effective ways to support eligible pupils. This funding may be used for:

  • One-to-one or small group teaching interventions
  • Additional learning resources such as books or technology
  • Supporting Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) needs
  • Subsidising school trips or extracurricular activities

Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School provides an annual strategy document on our website outlining how the funding is allocated, how last year’s funding was spent, and the impact it has had on pupils’ learning.

Reporting Spending

Schools are required to demonstrate that they are using the Pupil Premium effectively. This is reviewed through Ofsted inspections and by publishing key information online, including:

  • The amount of Pupil Premium funding allocated to the school
  • A breakdown of how the funding will be spent
  • Details of how last year’s funding was used and the difference it made

How to Claim Pupil Premium for Your Child

All children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals regardless of income. However, if you meet the income-based criteria above, it is important to register your child for free school meals. This allows the school to claim the additional Pupil Premium funding to support your child.

If you think your child qualifies, please contact the school office for assistance with the application process. Even if your child prefers packed lunches, registering ensures the school receives the funding to benefit their education.



PE and Sports Premium

At Sir John Moore we believe that PE, Sport and Health education plays a vital role in the development of all children. As a result, we strive to provide a wide and balanced curriculum with PE, Sport and Health Education running through it.

PE and School Sport at Sir John Moore has retained its core values of participation, volunteering and
enjoyment, we are now in the second stage of rebuilding a wide and varied PE, Sport and Health
education offer following the COVID Curtailments.

This year we know through whole school monitoring that children will need to develop the skills of
Teamwork and Personal Challenge. We will aim to address this via using REAL PE within class, clear
links to GRIT skills within PE and also regular opportunities to practice/ develop teamwork at
playtime and the wider curriculum.

Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and
potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to
the realisation of dreams and aspiration. 

Click here to see planned PE expenditure