We are proud of our school and our children wear a school uniform.
SJM crested items can be ordered from Ashby School Wear, 52 Market Street, Ashby de la Zouch https://www.ashbyschoolwear.co.uk/ or from School Wear UK, https://schoolwearuk.co.uk/
We also have pre-loved uniform for sale. Please ask at the office for details
Pupils are required to wear: -
Burgundy, school jumpers/ cardigans
Knee-length grey skirts, pinafores, school trousers or knee-length shorts
Burgundy school polo shirts
Plain grey, white or black socks or grey tights
Summer ( Optional)
Red and white gingham dresses (No separates)
Knee-length grey culottes or tailored shorts
Footwear required:
Black shoes ONLY (polished)
Summer footwear (optional) : Sandals must be closed toed
During inclement weather, children wearing boots (of any kind) to travel to school MUST bring school shoes to change into.
PE uniform
Burgundy school round-necked t-shirt
Black plain shorts
Either burgundy school jumper or school PE hooded jumper
Black jogging trousers
Footwear: Plimsolls for indoor activities
Trainers for outdoor activities
School coloured or plain dark hair accessories (to be kept to a minimum)
Hairbands to be appropriate (no large flowers/ large bows/ scarf type or glitzy accessories)
Plain studded earrings which MUST be removed for PE (unless newly pierced)
No extreme haircuts or styles (including hair dyeing and shaved patterns)
No make- up to be worn or nail varnish
No other jewellery to be worn
Reviewed April 2021