Financial Information
From 2021, all schools are required to publish their financial performance online, allowing parents to compare Sir John Moore C.E. Primary School with other similar schools. This information is provided directly by central government and cannot be amended by the school. It’s important to note that the data is always a year behind the current financial year. The financial performance information is reviewed at least annually and shared with the governing body.
The comparison is based on a ‘basket’ of similar schools determined by the benchmarking system, focusing on schools of similar size and characteristics across the country.
Key Information for Parents
- Staffing Expenditure:
Approximately 75% of the school’s budget is allocated to staffing costs, in line with the national average. This reflects our commitment to maintaining high-quality teaching and support staff.
- Educational Supplies:
The school spends £500 per pupil on educational materials, compared to the national average of £400. This reflects significant investment in our curriculum, including the purchase of additional resources such as books to enhance our reading curriculum.
- Utilities:
Our spending on utilities is higher than 80% of similar schools. As a Grade 1 listed building, we have limited ability to reduce these costs. However, steps have been taken to improve efficiency, such as installing solar panels on the Lodge Classroom and replacing lights with motion sensors. Despite these efforts, heating costs for the main building remain high.
- Education ICT:
Our spending on ICT is lower than 86.7% of similar schools, leading to outdated technology in some areas. To address this, we are currently investing in new equipment to enhance the computing curriculum and integrate modern technology throughout the school.
Please click on the link to see the school’s dedicated page on the schools financial benchmarking service
Employee Salary Information
Maintained schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.
All staff in the school are paid in accordance with the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms & Conditions (support staff). All salary levels are determined and reviewed annually by the Pay Committee of the Board of Governors.
Please see below the numbers of employees earning over £100,000 per annum:
Number of Employees earning over £100k per annum: 0